An Ayahuasca Perspective on Don Miguel Ruiz’s book “The Four Agreements”
Your life is a puzzle. Every piece of your puzzle represents an agreement you accumulated through your unique social upbringing and...
At Inner Circle, we want to provide you with the resources needed to help you gain confidence and knowledge before venturing out on your very own ayahuasca experience. Check back on this page to find new posts about the history, tradition and spiritual benefits of ayahuasca.
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Your life is a puzzle. Every piece of your puzzle represents an agreement you accumulated through your unique social upbringing and...
"Ayahuasca is not a drug in the Western sense, something you take to get rid of something. Properly used, it opens up parts of yourself...
So, you’ve heard of psychedelics and your curiosity about them is bringing you to self-reflect on your own journey – Are you living your...